Practice-led symposium 2023

The annual Practice-led PhD Symposium was held on 24 October 2023. A joint initiative of the Schools of Design and Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies in which PhD students from both schools presented their latest projects and reflections upon practice.

Barbara participated in a practice-led symposium in mid-July 2023. Through her practice, she shared her findings and established clearer connections with research, situating the concept of “critical data visualisations” (Hall and Davila, 2021). She also explored the application of critical annotation as a practice that could facilitate a democratic approach to data visualisation. She also explored the application of critical annotation as a practice that could facilitate a democratic approach to data visualisation. Barbara revealed the datasets explored in her work, unveiling relationships, assumptions and elements that are intertwined in her work. In addition, Barbara’s position in the Chilean Cybersyn project and its history helped to clarify her motivations towards research and her position as an active citizen of the global south (Medina, 2011; Barrientos and Espejo, 1973). The intention of the researcher is to pursue decentralised design practices and an approach that considers diverse viewpoints, articulating other ways of making that de-prioritise established Western frameworks.


  • Barrientos, J. and Espejo, R. 1973. Un modelo cibernético para la Dirección del Sector Industrial. INTEC/CORFO. 4, pp.5-18.
  • Hall, P.A. and Dávila, P. 2022. Critical Visualization: Rethinking the Representation of Data.  Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • Medina, E. 2011. Cybernetic revolutionaries: technology and politics in Allende’s Chile.  Mit Press.